Praxis: A Writing Center Journal • Vol. 12, No. 1 (2014)


For its Fall 2015 issue, Praxis: A Writing Center Journal welcomes submissions relating to the issue’s theme on “Writing and Ability.” Debility and capacity are experienced broadly, according to Robert McRuer, who points out that “all people” will experience disability eventually “if they live long enough.” Disability shapes the way we communicate with others and impacts our identities as writers, rhetors, and intellectuals.

To that end, the editors of Praxis seek submissions that reflect on the way that issues of dis/ability, both invisible and visible, embodied and mental, shape writing center work. Considerations of dis/ability could even encompass contemporary academic notions of what it means to be a “capable” writer.

Submissions might explore, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • ŸHow do extant writing center practices serve or hinder students with intellectual, physical, or psychiatric disabilities or impairments?

  • What practices help consultants with disabilities or impairments navigate writing center contexts?

  • What does it mean to be a “capable” writer? How do writing centers contribute to empowering capable writers?

  • ŸHow do we expect non-native speakers of English to be capable of succeeding in the writing center?

  • How do digital or multi-model writing practices enrich our understanding of disability?

  • How do we write when we are ill or impaired?

  • Recommended article length is 3000 to 4000 words.

Articles should conform to MLA style. Please submit articles to For further information about submitting an article, the journal’s blind peer-review process, or to contact the managing editors, please direct emails to the same address.

The deadline for fall issue consideration is April 1st, 2015.